Roommate Conflicts

Your Resident Assistant (RA) and Community Director are the best resources to utilize in order to help resolve roommate conflicts. Residence Life encourages all residents to speak with their roommate(s) prior to discussing any concerns with an RA or Senior Staff member; direct communication with the source of a concern will build a stronger relationship and often leads to a quicker positive result. Similarly, Residence Life encourages students to speak with their RA prior to consulting Senior Staff about a roommate conflict or concern. Your RA will help you take steps to address your concerns and assist you in resolving the conflict. In many situations, an RA can facilitate a conversation with a roommate to ensure that both parties communicate effectively and come to an appropriate resolution. Open, direct, and appropriate communication is critical when working through these types of conflicts.

Spiritual Guidance

Although not members of the Residence Life staff, Residence Ministers play an integral role in the residence halls. Each area of campus is served by Residence Ministers who offer opportunities for discussion on issues of faith, provide regular opportunities for fellowship and extend personal support to the residents in their area. The Residence Ministers also help organize University-wide ministry events, serve on retreat teams and strive to act as Gospel witnesses to our students and staff. Ministers who live in "The House" are dedicated primarily to serving Centennial Village and offer hospitality in their "Christian Community" of the House itself, while other Residence Ministers live among their peers in all the other residence halls.

To contact a Residence Minister, please talk to your RA. In addition, Campus Ministry has a number of professional staff members who can assist you as necessary. They are a great resource to seek out and utilize. The Office of Campus Ministry is located in the Caldwell Hall and can be reached at 202-319-5575.

Inappropriate and/or Illegal Activity on Your Floor or in Your Room

All students should report any suspicious activity immediately to the Department of Public Safety by calling 202-319-5111. The Department of Public Safety also provides valuable safety information on its website. A resident may also contact his/her RA or Community Director for support and/or to talk through their concerns.

The Catholic University of America is committed to resolving complaints of discrimination at the earliest and most informal level, conducting internal investigations in a timely and effective manner, and providing prompt corrective action if discrimination is believed to have occurred. To contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, please call 202-319-5590. You may also contact your Community Director or RA who may provide you with support and connect you with appropriate resources.

Academic Difficulties

Academic concerns are best resolved in the respective academic department. Your faculty and academic staff will be the best people with whom you can discuss your concerns. Your Community Director may also be able to discuss your study habits and performance and help you develop an appropriate plan for being successful academically. While Residence Life does not serve as academic advisors, staff members can direct you to available resources and discuss successful study habits. You may also consider contacting the Center for Academic and Career Success for information on academic skills and support.

Personal Challenges

The Counseling Center can help you with questions or personal concerns about a wide variety of issues, including homesickness, stress management, test anxiety, making friends, roommate problems, depression, body image, eating disorders, and many others. You can arrange for an appointment to speak with a counselor by calling 202-319-5765.